3.8.2 (march 9 2025)
- Issue #1018: correctly compile javascript bundle
3.8.1 (march 8 2025)
- Issue #1011: handle a model form with an empty value (thanks to Darien Reese)
- Issue #1018: make the extension match case insensitive
3.8.0 (august 14 2024)
- Issue #880. Support Django 5.1
3.7.0 (june 27 2024)
- Issue #784: compile to es6. This reduces the size of the minified js file to 80k (from 119k)
- Issue #841. Drop support for Django 3.2
- Issue #891: handle error with empty initial file in model form (thanks to Yanhui Xie)
3.6.0 (december 8 2023)
- Issue #748: support Django 5.0
3.5.4 (28 october 2023)
- Issue #760: support django storages 1.14
3.5.3 (3 september 2023)
- Issue #680: support the disabled property
- Issue #685: use a path for the location header to prevent mixed content issues (thanks to Walter Lorenzetti)
3.5.2 (31 may 2023)
- Issue #667: uploadComplete sends wrong element with multiple file forms on a page
- Issue #669: rename the minified version to file_form.min.js
3.5.1 (4 may 2023)
- Issue #638: handle modelform field without associated file (thanks to Walter Lorenzetti)
3.5.0 (4 april 2023)
- Isssue #614: prevent uploading multiple files for a single file upload (thanks to Krzysztof Kosiorek)
- Support Django 4.2
3.4.4 (30 january 2023)
- Issue #588: remove temporary uploaded file when deleting a submitted upload
- Issue #590: add the file id to the onClick handler
3.4.3 (14 january 2023)
- Issue #579: onClick handler (thanks to mi01)
3.4.2 (7 december 2022)
- Issue #531: add Finnish translations (thanks to Tuomas Vihinen)
- Issue #555: code scanning alert
3.4.1 (31 august 2022)
- Issue #523: add package lock file (thanks to Saurabh Kumar)
- Issue #524: add js validation for acceptable file types (thanks to Saurabh Kumar)
- Issue #528: fix single upload input
3.4.0 (5 august 2022)
- Issue #521: support Django 4.1
3.3.2 (1 june 2022)
- Issue #514: prevent migrations when the DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD is set.
- The TemporaryUploadedFile model now uses AutoField.
3.3.1 (2 april 2022)
- Issue #498: added spanish translations (thanks to Juan Helios García Guzmán)
- Issue #504: handle multiple 'upload failed' error messages (thanks to Krzysztof Kosiorek)
3.3.0 (8 december 2021)
- Support Django 4.0
3.2.3 (3 october 2021)
- Issue #471: fix security advice: uncontrolled data used in path expression
- Issue #481: make cache timeout configurable (thanks to Seb Haase)
3.2.2 (17 june 2021)
- Issue #456: handle data parameter with the None value
- Issue #465: remove unused FILE_FORM_MAX_FILE_SIZE setting
- Issue #468: fix modelformset with S3 upload
3.2.1 (20 april 2021)
- Issue #445: fix ModelForm update with multiple files (thanks to Arcuri Davide)
3.2.0 (6 april 2021)
- Issue #443: support Django 3.2
- Issue #446: add AWS_S3_REGION_NAME and AWS_S3_SIGNATURE_VERSION settings (thanks to Niklas Wahl)
- Issue #449: add German translations (thanks to Niklas Wahl)
3.1.5 (29 march 2021)
- Issue #211: auto initialize javascript
- Issue #339: Django admin support
3.1.4 (8 march 2021)
- Issue #436: allow customization of the widget (thanks to Bo Peng)
- Issue #439: support ModelForm
3.1.3 (19 january 2021)
- Issue #422: add model rename to migrations (thanks to Shrikrishna Singh)
3.1.2 (27 december 2020)
- Issue #418: correctly remove upload
3.1.1 (26 november 2020)
- Issue #388: add cross-site request forgery protection to tus uploads using the standard Django csrf token
- Issue #393: fix delete-unused-files command (thanks to Seb Haase)
- issue #401: optimization: use move instead of copy when possible
3.1.0 (15 september 2020)
- Issue #324: get placeholder file for UploadWidget (thanks to Shrikrishna Singh)
- Issue #330: allow upload directly to S3 compatible storages (thanks to Bo Peng)
- Issue #331: fix error in deleting files (thanks to Bo Peng)
- Issue #333: replace existing uploaded file with the same name (thanks to Bo Peng)
- Issue #341: add javascript events (experimental)
- Issue #346: allow definition of s3_upload_dir in form class (thanks to Bo Peng)
3.0.1 (4 september 2020)
- Issue #347: add chunkSize parameter to avoid request error in Django
3.0.0 (6 august 2020)
- Issue #320: fix UploadMultipleWidget to return correct placeholder files (thanks to Shrikrishna Singh)
- Issue #325: support Django 3.1
2.2.0 (22 july 2020)
- Issue #315: file is not removed after form error
- Issue #313: allow using custom storage and custom cache (thanks to Balazs Endresz)
2.1.3 (20 june 2020)
- Issue #304: rewrite frontend in typescript
- Issue #305: don't change migration when setting changes (thanks to Lionqueen94)
- Issue #307: add French translations; also make translations discoverable by makemessages (thanks to Simon Maillard)
2.1.2 (20 april 2020)
- Issue #298: directory support for drop area
- Issue #300: add migration so makemigrations will not create one (thanks to Lionqueen94)
2.1.1 (7 april 2020)
- Issue #290: add javascript callbacks (thanks to Peter Dekkers)
- Issue #296: fix progress bar
- Issue #297: add retry delays
2.1.0 (28 march 2020)
- Issue #266: allow relative
setting (thanks to Bo Peng) - Issue #267: add drop area (thanks to Bo Peng)
- Issue #275: show size of uploaded files (thanks to Bo Peng)
- Issue #278: allow the addition of placeholder files (thanks to Bo Peng)
- Issue #280: remove option
2.0.3 (15 february 2020)
- Issue #237: using with form set (thanks to Juan Carlos Carvajal)
- Issue #259: include uncompressed js
- Issue #260: correctly use formset prefix (thanks to Gzuba)
- Issue #261: fix default for
(thanks to Gzuba)
2.0.2 (14 january 2020)
- Issue #247: support form wizard (thanks to Lionqueen94)
- Issue #251: delete after submit
2.0.1 (6 january 2020)
- Issue #240: add empty dff files div (thanks to Lionqueen94)
- Issue #241: Csp compliance (thanks to Lionqueen94)
2.0 (30 december 2019)
- Use tus instead of fine uploader
1.0 (5 december 2019)
- Drop support for Python 2 and Django < 2
- Issue #217: update fine uploader
- Issue #219: use
for all tests - Issue #222: use
(instead of pathlib) - Issue #235: support Django 3.0
0.4.2 (3 March 2019)
- Issue #207: support form prefixes (thanks to Iw108)
- Issue #201: fix multiple file upload without ajax (thanks to Lionqueen94)
0.4.1 (5 January 2019)
- Issue #194: correctly call
(thanks to Dureba)
0.4.0 (3 August 2018)
- Support Django 2.1 and Python 3.7
- Issue #173: add i18n to upload widget (thanks to Arman Roomana)
0.3.0 (6 December 2017)
- Support Django 2.0